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Creating the Game Interface Using Expression Blend 3

Applying Effects
You will now apply a drop shadow effect to the smCtrlBG object.

  1. Click smCtrlBG in the Objects and Timeline to make sure that is selected.
  2. Click and hold on Assets, at the bottom of the Tools panel and then select Effects.
    There are some default effects listed here, but you may see more than what is shown here.

    Locate the Effects in Assets.

  3. Click DropShadowEffect and drag it to the smCtrlBG object out on the artboard. The DropShadowEffect is applied and the Common Properties pane appears, offering you the ability to change attributes of the drop shadow.
  4. In the Common Properties pane, click and drag the BlurRadius to a value of 12, then click and drag the ShadowDepth to 12. The drop shadow is now positioned further away from the stroke and is a little softer.

    You can change the values of the BlurRadius and ShadowDepth
    using the Common Properties pane.
  5. Press Ctrl+Save to save your project, or choose File > Save. Keep the project open for the next section.

Changing the Order
Up to this point, you have been simply adding objects to the Silverlight project with no concern as to its order in appearance. Like most developers already understand, the Objects and Timeline is helpful for identifying different objects and canvases (discussed in later modules) and able to communicate the stacking order of the project. If you look at your Objects and Timeline panel, you will see that the stack might be considered the opposite of what you might expect (if you typically use graphics applications). The HexShape is higher in the stacking order, and is listed as being on the top of the CtrlBG and the smCtrlBG, when actually it is under those items. That is because the stacking order in the Objects and Timeline panel starts at the bottom. Meaning, the object at the top of the stacking order is actually at the bottom of the visual stack. You can click and drag items, much like you would do with layers in Adobe applications to change this order, but it can be easier to use the menu items, as you will see in this next step.

  1. Click the HexShape object in the Objects and Timeline panel and choose Object > Order > Bring to Front. Or you can use the keyboard shortcut, Ctrl+Shift+] (right bracket). The HexShape comes to the front.


    The HexShape is now at the front.

  2. Make sure the Selection tool is active and click and drag the HexShape toward the left side of the smCtrlBG. Exact position is not important, but if it were, you could change the Margin values in the Layout pane of the Properties panel.

    Change positioning precisely by using the Margin values in the Layout pane.

    You will now clone the HexShape using some key modifiers.
  3. With the HexShape selected, hold down the Alt and Shift key and drag the HexShape to the right of itself. Make sure to release the mouse BEFORE you release the Shift and Alt keys. What you might have noticed is that using the Alt key while dragging will clone any selected object, and by holding down the Shift key at the same time, you can also constrain the clone, so that it stays aligned with the original shape.

  4. Repeat the clone process until you have eight HexShapes (or copies) on the artboard.

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